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11 family airport travel hacks from real parents

Recently updated on January 31st, 2025 at 11:42 pm

Air travel advice like giving your baby a bottle during take-off to help their ears pop can help on the plane itself, but parents need to prepare for time spent in the airport, too. From making the most of a layover to budgeting for terminal expenses, use these tried-and-tested airport travel hacks to keep the kiddos happy, from before you leave the house to takeoff.     

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family leaving the house with suitcases

1. Get the family squared away before getting to the airport. 

“Eat, drink, go to the bathroom, and get energy out before going through security.”  ~ Marla T. 

If the thought of getting yourself, the kids, and armfuls of luggage through the airport seems stressful, one of the simplest airport travel hacks is to minimize frustrations by getting ahead of hunger, restlessness, and bathroom breaks. Have the family use the restroom before leaving the house, as well as before getting in the security line. Remember that although you can’t bring drinks through security, you can usually bring food. Pack or prepare food to eat in the car or at the airport. Remember to pack empty reusable water bottles that you can refill after the security checkpoint. 

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2. Prioritize packing for speedy security checks. 

“Heads up, parents: TSA might test your baby’s milk.” ~ Danielle W.

No matter if you’re traveling domestically or internationally, security checks at the airport may include testing the milk, drinks, and food you have for your babies and toddlers. The TSA in the United States, for example, may test breast milk or formula via Vapor Analysis or Explosive Trace Detection. 

These tests often catch parents off guard, lead to longer waits to clear security, and — worst of all — force you to unpack and repack your diaper bag. An easy airport hack for parents is to carry these items separately so you can quickly give them to security officers. You should also give agents a heads up if there’s any other liquid or snacks meant for your kids. 

aerial view of airport room

3. Research the airport’s kid-friendly amenities ahead of time.

“You’d be surprised at how many airports have areas dedicated for kids.” ~ Bernard D.

Airports place kids in an extremely stimulating environment, which means even unlimited iPad use won’t keep them settled in a seat. Thankfully, many airports have children’s play areas located in the terminals. Airports in London, New York, Paris, and more have interactive areas where kids can run, climb, and play with other pint-sized travelers. Perhaps more importantly, many airports also have special areas for parents like nursing cabins and quiet areas where children or adults with auditory or sensory sensitivities can relax.

4. Find out if special accommodations are available. 

Wheelchair chaperones and family-only customs lanes are a huge benefit.” ~ Sarah A.

If you’re lucky enough to travel with your children and your parents, then you know all-too-well how difficult it can be to make sure family members of all ages and abilities have the comfort and conveniences they need. Most airlines are happy to offer passengers with mobility issues a wheelchair escort through security. Some airports also have small shuttles to transport passengers across large terminals. What some travelers don’t realize is that many airports, like Lisbon, have dedicated family lanes at customs that have shorter wait times and wider space to accommodate strollers and wheelchairs. 

5. Explore the airport with excitement.

“Our kids love going on scavenger hunts in new airports.” ~ Amanda G. 

One of the simplest (and most fun) airport travel hacks is to make the visit to the airport part of your child’s trip. Imagine the experience through their eyes: new foods to try, signs in different languages, huge windows with planes taking off across beautiful landscapes. Treat the airport as an adventure. Explore the terminal in search of toys, books, and snacks. Play fun games like I Spy or scavenger hunts to keep them entertained and engaged. Most airports have signage or displays perfect for mini vacation photo shoots that can create a special family memory.  

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airplane on tarmac at sunrise

6. Take advantage of a layover. 

“One of my favorite airport travel hacks is devoting time to a quick refresh.” ~ Gabby L.

A layover can feel like airport limbo, but when used strategically, it can be the reset parents and kids desperately need. Wash your face and hands. Brush your teeth and hair. Change out of or into pajamas. Find out if the airport has an outdoor area you can access from the terminals to get a breath of fresh air. Take advantage of a layover to get everyone feeling refreshed, including mom and dad. If your layover is long enough, let your partner spend a few minutes getting a foot massage or facial at a spa kiosk. A little bit of pampering can make a long travel day bearable.  

7. But don’t get too relaxed in between flights.

“With kids, it’s better to be early to the gate than late for your flight.” ~ Katie T.  

Remember, no airport hack for traveling with kids is worth missing your flight. It’s tempting to leverage a layover into a mini-trip in a new city, but it’s easier said than done. Don’t leave the airport if your layover is under six hours. Believe it or not, many parents make it to their gate at the last minute during a layover even when they stay in the airport. Walking between gates at huge airports like Istanbul Airport can take little legs extra time. Ordering food at a sit-down restaurant can also cut it close on a two or three hour layover. It’s best to get your kids to the gate approximately 15 to 20 minutes before boarding time then grab a quick snack or drink nearby if needed.

8. Build airport hours into your budget. 

“I stopped freaking out about airport food prices when I planned them into the budget.” ~ Nina Z. 

No one enjoys paying £5 for a bottle of juice or pack of crackers, least of all parents who have a child with a picky palate. Unfortunately, there’s no airport hack for snagging discounts, but you can soften the blow to your wallet by budgeting for airport expenses. For direct flights, put aside a few dollars for your kids to spend on a candy bar, book, or another special treat. For connecting flights, aim for a slightly higher per-person budget to factor in a proper meal.  

9. Delay distractions until you board.  

“Do not let your kids run through their snacks and activities before the plane takes off.” ~ Timo P. 

The good news is that getting to your gate with time to spare means you won’t miss your flight. The bad news? Your kids have to wait in a rather confined space. Though it’s tempting to break out the coloring books, tablets, and snacks, one of the slightly more challenging airport travel hacks is to delay these distractions until the plane is in the air. Two scenarios can turn into frustration for your kids: they either become bored of their activities quickly into the flight or they get upset that they have to put away these activities when the plane takes off. Distract them as best you can preflight then ration their activities, toys, and treats throughout the flight to keep it exciting and stimulating. 

mother and child walking through airport walkway with suitcases

10. Board the plane in the final group. 

We never board the plane first; the kids get too antsy stuck in the row.” ~ Debbie S.

Airlines allow parents of small children and infants to board the plane in the initial groups, but this is just as much of a benefit as it is a drawback. The moment you get to your seats, your kids become confined to the plane until you reach your destination. Instead of rushing to your row, let your kids get more energy out walking around the gate. Although there’s a chance that overhead baggage space may be limited, another advantage of boarding late is a shorter line — allowing you to not only get to your row quicker, but also fold strollers or install car seats without clogging up the queue. 

11. Let kids be kids. 

“Air travel with kids might be rough, but it’s always worth it.” ~ Shelby R.

Raise your hand if you’ve had a tough, tiring flight as a solo adult. Now imagine how difficult the experience can be for kids who aren’t used to sitting in a seat for hours on end. Quick trips and long hauls have their own challenges when it comes to traveling with kids. Airport travel hacks may be helpful, but there’s not always a parenting hack for keeping a child calm or content. Let your children act their age as much as possible in the airport, so long as they’re doing so safely. You won’t be the only parent with a kid rolling on the terminal floor or making noise at the terminal restaurant. Treat your children with compassion and manage your own expectations to give everyone the easiest experience possible.

Do you have any other travel hacks we haven’t covered? Leave them in the comments below!

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