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5 life-changing benefits of solo travel

Recently updated on July 20th, 2022 at 09:07 am

“I think one travels more usefully when they travel alone, because they reflect more.” Thomas Jefferson recognised the beauty of exploring the world solo, and the rewards it brings. But does the thought of setting out alone thrill or frighten you? Daunting as it may seem, solo travel is one of the most fulfilling experiences you can have. Here, we share five undeniable benefits of solo travel.

Explore the world on your own terms

Being as selfish as you like when heading abroad is a serious travel perk. Jetting off alone means no one to answer to, no one to argue with over who packed the sunscreen, and no one to distract you from having the authentic experience you desire. Write your own travel rulebook by seeing what you want to see and going where you want to go

You’ll return with newfound confidence

Armed with unforgettable memories and one helluva sense of achievement, you’ll return from your adventures with a renewed confidence. From exploring Japan’s ancient temples to taking on the majestic African wilderness, getting to grips with thrilling new places that are miles away from your comfort zone feeds your self-esteem. Travelling always builds confidence, but travelling alone turbo charges it!

Make new friends for life

Whether getting to know locals over a glass of ouzo in a Greek taverna, or befriending your co-travellers on a Trafalgar trip, solo travel forces you to get social. Being alone doesn’t mean lonely; in fact, you’ll find yourself making new buddies in no time. The newfound companions you share your travel experiences with may just end up being lifelong friends.

You’ll have those ‘pinch me’ moments

With fewer distractions, you can fully detach, decompress and let your surroundings sink in. Am I really floating along Venice’s Grand Canal in a gondola? Yes! Did I really spend the morning walking through Costa Rican jungle canopies? Yes! Solo globetrotting means you’ll be fully at one with your destination, soaking up every sunset and every skyline.

Benefits of Solo Travel backpacker-rainforest-www.istockphoto.comgbphotobackpacker-on-suspension-bridge-in-rainforest-gm652735376-118515885-FredFroese

Make friends with yourself

While a silent monastic retreat may be a little extreme, there are lessons to be learnt in solitude. Travelling alone presents you with ample time and opportunity to reflect and get to know yourself that bit better. Discover the inner workings of your mind, body and soul and you’ll return home with a new sense of clarity and purpose.

Excited by these benefits of solo travel? Trafalgar trips are the perfect way to explore the world by yourself, meeting like-minded travellers along the way.

Images: Lead image © iStock/CentralITAlliance. Jungle © iStock/Fred Froese. Cliff woman © iStock/Poike.

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