Travel Tips & News

Before you escape for summer, read these 12+ tips from our Travel Directors

Recently updated on August 24th, 2023 at 05:10 pm

As the sun’s warm embrace beats down there’s no doubt your summer escape is around the corner. Whether you’ve locked in a tranquil beachside retreat, an urban exploration, or an adventurous road trip, your well-thought-out summer travel plan could still benefit from last-minute planning tips. 

We’ve curated an essential list of summer getaway advice with the help of the most well-traveled people we know – our Travel Directors.

Check your budget

A summer escape is more fun when you’re not checking your bank balance every 20 minutes. Before you depart be sure to check your account and make a rough plan for any expenses. Determine your budget, taking into account transportation, accommodation, activities, meals, and incidental expenses like tips. Be sure to allocate extra funds for unexpected costs and souvenirs. Of course, if you’ve prepaid for a Trafalgar tour you’ll only need to bring extra cash for shopping, food and food – your Travel Director and driver have the transport, accommodation and many meals and activities under control.

Craft a brilliant itinerary with memorable experience

The heart of any summer getaway lies in the activities and experiences you partake in. Draft a list of must-see attractions and unique experiences at your chosen destination. If you’re joining a summer tour, most of this hard work will done for you – but there’s always free time built in for you to chase your interests.

“Book a trip with us?” says Travel Director Carly. “So you don’t have to do any planning and you can ensure a brilliant itinerary. We take all the stress out of it, so you get to enjoy your vacation!” 

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Pack strategically

A summer escape is the best – because you don’t have to carry bulky jackets and warm layers. The lighter you pack, the easier it will be to get around – and you’ll have space for souvenirs. In summer you should prioritize lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for the destination’s climate. or hot, hot, hot destinations you should check the labels of your clothing and bring only cotton and linen items.

“Even if it’s summer, always bring a pair of long pants (for gentlemen) and a longish dress plus a scarf (for ladies) as some restaurants and venues, as well as churches, require this attire,” says Travel Director Patrizia. “Along with your beach wear, bring coverups and sarongs as most resorts require you to wear something as soon as you leave the pool area.”

Don’t forget to pack essentials like sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, and comfortable footwear for city walks or outdoor adventures.

SUMMER FUN: Greek Island Hopper

Double-check any travel requirements

Before embarking on your summer escape, ensure you meet all travel requirements. If you’re traveling internationally, don’t forget to research visa, passport, and vaccination necessitiel. Keep your essential documents organized and easily accessible to streamline moving through customs and airports. Make sure you have a digital copy of your passport emailed to yourself!

“Always triple check the travel requirements before you leave for a trip! Especially now that many countries have electronic visas that you can apply for ahead of time (rather than on arrival!),” says Travel Director Carly. 

“Or you might end up like me – spending a few unexpected nights in Singapore on your way to India because you didn’t get the e-visa!!”

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How will you connect to the world?

Unless you want to go off-grid, you’ll probably want data on your phone. If you’re traveling internationally this summer, don’t forget to look for a travel plan or local SIM card to avoid exorbitant roaming charges. Of course, most destinations offer free Wi-Fi in public spaces, so it’s simple enough to get around.

“E-sims are an awesome way of keeping up to date with social media while traveling!” says Travel Directory Carly “It’s incredible technology where you can access data anywhere in the world without the need for a sim card!” 

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Think about how to keep cool

Summer in Europe can be very warm, and while a Trafalgar coach is air-conditioned, you’ll be spending loads of time out there exploring the great ancient sites, artworks, and architecture of various cities. Think about how you’ll keep cool in hot weather. Beyond packing cotton clothing and light layers, Travel Director Patrizia has a great suggestion.

“Be sure to bring some fans – a traditional one as well as a pocket-sized rechargeable one.”

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Arrive open-minded

Even the best-laid summer travel plans can encounter unexpected twists. Embrace flexibility and maintain an open mind, allowing room for spontaneous detours and discoveries. A summer travel plan needs to be adaptable, but also well thought out. You need the chance to veer off the beaten path but also need to think ahead during the peak season.

“I like to travel at home in Ireland [during summer]. Every corner brings a new change, a new adventure,” says Travel Director Michael. 

“From Donegal and Kerry for the scenery and friendliness, to Dublin and Galway city for the atmosphere. The stories and folk tales bring magic to any summer getaway. If you are thinking of visiting this amazing place, bring clothes for all seasons as the weather changes. Most importantly, bring an open heart and fall in love with travel.”

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Respect the local culture

The best sort of traveler respects the local culture. Before you depart try to research customs, traditions, and etiquette so you travel mindfully. Familiarize yourself with local emergency services and keep essential contacts handy. If you’re on tour with us your Travel Director will be there to provide insider intel into the local people and culture.

“Have a great attitude about being out of your comfort zone,” says Travel Director Lesley. “Try to connect with the people and culture you are visiting. Talk to the locals and take in all the smells, taste, etc”

Avoid peak dates

Summer in Europe means every European wants to be at the beach or enjoying the best weather of the year too. Consider this when planning your trip and look into local holidays.

Travel Director Patrizia says: “Avoid travelling in the week around August 15th as 60 million Italians will be on vacation too. Traffic is heavy then and getting reservations to places is difficult.”

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Bonus tips from our Travel Directors

“Pack one adapter and then a power board with several power points to recharge all your devices in one place,” says Patrizia.

“Expect the unexpected with the weather. Just because it rains doesn’t mean you will not have fun being outside. Take advantage of it because the streets and sights might be less crowded,” says Lesley.

“Always pack enough underwear and socks for everyday of your trip! That way you can reuse some outfits if you have had too much fun adventuring and not enough time to do laundry!” says Carly.

Do you have any tips to add before your summer escape? Leave us a comment and share your summer travel plan and advice….

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