Recently updated on July 7th, 2023 at 11:18 am
Going green isn’t just good for the environment, it’s also good for your pocket. In honour of this Earth Month, why not get inspired by our sustainable lifestyle tips and discover how you can help the planet and, at the same time, save money by going green.
Our 12 easy tips to go green on a budget are easy to follow – they are things that most of us can easily achieve instantly. While we’re not suggesting you change your lifestyle overnight, why not pick two or three things and introduce them to your daily routine over the next few weeks? Before you know it you could be saving hundreds of pounds a year – and living a much greener life.
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Replace your light bulbs with LED lights
LED light bulbs are more energy-efficient than traditional halogen bulbs, meaning they last longer and are less expensive to run. For a small initial cost, you could swap out your light bulbs for LED versions and find yourself saving hundreds of pounds (and a lot of energy) over the lifespan of an LED light bulb – which could be up to 10 years!
Rethink how you use your dishwasher and tumble dryer
Save money by going green with your white goods. Dishwashers and tumble dryers are some of the worst culprits of energy consumption. They also guzzle up your electric and aren’t good for the environment – wait until your dishwasher is full (or even better, wash up) and try line drying your clothes in the spring and summer to save energy and help towards lowering air and water pollution.
Use a water butt in your garden
A water butt collects water from rainfall, reducing the amount of water you have to use from the mains supply. You could also use the water to wash cars or windows and save more water there, too. Water butts vary in price and size, depending on the material you choose to go with.
Use reusable coffee cups and reduce your single plastic use
An easy way to save money by going green is to cut down on your use of plastic and single-use packaging. Some coffee shops will offer a discount to those who bring their own cups. Replacing plastic bags, plastic bottles and paper towels with more durable items will also cut down on waste and save money in the long run.
Try sharing car journeys
Sharing a car journey with other people is one way to cut both transport costs and emissions. If you want to save money by going green with your car journeys, carpooling is for you. You can share petrol costs, and, by only using one car instead of two, three or four (depending how many people you’re sharing the journey with) you’ll save on the amount of harmful gases you’re pumping into the atmosphere, too.
Make your own cleaning solutions
You know when you’re cleaning your kitchen and you end up inhaling too much of the chemical smell of your cleaning solution? Let that be a message to you about what is actually in most store bought cleaning solutions. A simple online search will reveal loads of useful cleaning formulas you can make at home that work just as well – and as it will cost just pennies to make, you’ll be saving money by going green too.
Invest in rechargeable batteries
Batteries aren’t cheap, so it’s worth investing in a full set of rechargeable batteries for your gadgets and devices. Recharging batteries keeps dead ones out of the landfill and helps you save money by going green. It’s a good idea to buy them on sale and stock up over time.
Compost your food waste
Composting saves waste going to landfill and is possible whether you have a garden of any size or even if you don’t have a garden at all. If you don’t have a garden you can save your compost at home and take it to a composting facility nearby. Worm bins are also possible if you only have a very small outdoor space.
Plant some trees in your garden
By spending some money on trees, you’ll quite literally be able to save money by going green. Not only will they shade your house from the sun so you can save on air conditioning in the summer, but you also help to absorb CO2 in the air. A great selection of trees will increase your property value over time, too.
Stop idling in your car
Unless you’re sitting in traffic, it actually uses more gas to idle your vehicle for 30 seconds than it does to turn it off and restart it. Idling also releases a large amount of pollution into the air so turning your car off in jams or while waiting for someone is beneficial to you and the planet.
Try a spend freeze
Why not try a month-long spend freeze that restricts your spending to absolute essentials like rent, food, bills and transport. Ask yourself before you buy, ‘Do I really need this?’ If you can’t justify it, leave it on the shelf. Avoiding buying frivolities like clothes and fancy coffees will help you become much more mindful of your spending habits and save you a lot of money, too.
Stop buying bottled water
Bottled water is actually no better than your typical tap water – it just costs more, contains plastic toxins from the bottles and leaves a trail of waste behind. Invest in a good reusable water bottle and a water filter to save money by going green and help the environment.
Read more online
Most magazines and newspapers have digital versions these days, and many of them are free. Reading them online helps save a lot of trees and the energy and fuel that go to creating, delivering and recycling paper versions. You’ll also save money by going green and pocket the small change you usually spend on your newspapers and magazines.
Spend more, buy less
Sometimes you have to invest money to make money. Buying your own coffee maker that will last 5-10 years is a better use of your money than spending on a takeaway coffee every morning. Doing this keeps things out of landfills for longer and saves you money and headache.
Do you have any tips on how to save money by going green? Let us know in the comments below.