Recently updated on July 12th, 2023 at 09:21 am
If you’ve travelled with Trafalgar before, you’ll know that the connections you form on our trips are unlike any other. Being able to forge new friendships with people who share similar passions and interests to you, is one of the absolute best perks of group travel. From bonding over shared experiences, to creating local connections, here are 5 ways your Trafalgar friendships differ from other friendships.
You’ve shared once-in-a-lifetime experiences
Whether it’s strolling through a new city while taking in the sights or laughing over drinks in a local pub, Trafalgar friendships are best formed over shared experiences. Some of the experiences you get to do on our trips – arriving VIP style down Venice’s Grand Canal by water taxi, or sleeping in one of our iconic Stays with Stories – truly are once in a lifetime moments, and it’s these shared memories you’ll always have in common with those who were right there beside you.
You’ve tried new things together
Tasting handmade Chinese dumplings for the first time – tick. Learning the unique Irish ‘broom dance’ – tick. Travel is all about firsts – the first time you see a new country, the first time you try a new cuisine, the first time you dare yourself to do something unexpected. When you share something new, you share emotions you won’t feel anywhere else, and this immediately helps to form a bond with those who are going through the same experience.

You have a shared passion for exploring
Trafalgar travelers are a special bunch. Just through choosing to travel with us, you already know that the people you’ll be travelling with will share your love of discovering new cultures. Just like you, they’ll also be eager to learn and discover all the wonderful secrets of the world. Whether you’re traveling alongside friends from home or are meeting new people for the first time, our trips are filled with like-minded individuals. This means there’s plenty of amazing conversations to have, whether you’re chatting about your past adventures or are already planning your next adventure.
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You know how wonderful our Travel Directors are
If you’ve travelled with us before, you’ll know just how awesome our Travel Directors are. Not only do they work tirelessly to make your experience seamless from beginning to end, but they also take the time to get to know you – why you’re travelling, what you’re seeking from the experience, etc. And in return, we know just how much our guests love their Travel Directors! We know how much you appreciate them and value their time, and it’s this shared appreciation and admiration that you share with the rest of your travel group.
RELATED CONTENT: How to mentally prepare for your upcoming Trafalgar trip
You’ve helped make a difference
Whether you meet Marta in Italy (pictured below) to learn about the centuries-old tradition of hand-weaving, or visit the amazing women of the Iraq Al-Amir’s Women’s Cooperative in Jordan, there is something special about making a difference when you travel. Not only do you get to take part in unique experiences, you also get to meet wonderful people. But perhaps most importantly, together with your fellow travelers you get to feel as if your travels have made a real difference. Leaving these experiences you feel contemplative and reflective, and often then dive into deep conversations with your fellow travelers about some of the bigger questions in life.

Have you made strong bonds with your Trafalgar family? Let us know why these friendships are so special to you in the comments below.
We have made so many friends from around the world while on our Trafalgar Tours ( 7 and counting) and are still in touch with many of them. In fact we have hosted Australian and American Trafalgar friends and stayed with Australian Trafalgar friends. WE have also, thru Trafalgar, been able to meet up again with these folks on other Trafalgar tours. E.G. met Kerrie and Robert (Aus) in 2005 on a British Trafalgar Tour, then toured with them on a Trafalgar Greece tour and stayed with them in Australia when we visited there in 2009. We also cruised with them in Alaska. I treasure all of my Trafalgar friends, whom I keep in touch with through the magic of Facebook. (btw I am Canadian)