
We asked for your best travel photos, and were blown away by the response

Recently updated on November 27th, 2023 at 02:48 pm

In honor of World Photography Day, a celebration that pays tribute to the art and essence of capturing the world through the lens, we thought we’d seek out the best travel photos taken by Trafalgar guests. 

Photography is more than just static images. These travel memories frozen in time serve as tiny portals, taking us back to a favorite moment or they share the culture, architecture, and curiosities of a destination.

To find your top travel photography, we put a call-out on our Facebook page. We know our guests love to take pictures on tour – whether that’s with a serious camera or mobile photography – so it wasn’t hard to gather this collection of travel photos. From the wild landscapes of Iceland to classic holiday snaps in Greece, here’s a round-up of our favorite holiday memories – captured by you!

Let’s check out the best pictures submitted by our wandering guests.

Castles, castles, castles

“We were honorary King and Queen for the night,” says past guest Philip Derek Routley who shared this picture of Galway Castle with us. He joined the Optional Experience on our Amazing Ireland trip and says the medieval dinner with wine and entertainment was a blast.

Meanwhile, our past guest Annette Duplechin captured this gorgeous photo on our Best of Ireland tour in July this year.

And past guest Shari Linger took this one of Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, the southern state of Germany.

To the extremes in Iceland

We can’t get over how stunning these two photos of Iceland are, taken by past guest Marie Harrison. It looks like they are straight our of National Geographic!

And proving mobile photography can still capture the essence and beauty of Iceland, our past guest Rosalyn Hutchinson shared these two snaps. You can’t wipe that grin off her face!

ICELAND CALLING: Iceland including the Blue Lagoon

Traipsing through history in Italy

“Just lucky being at the right place at the right time,” says past guest Jack Wentworth. He captured “the Pantheon at the “Golden Hour”, when the sun hits the dome and turns it into a golden glow!”

Jack also shared this buzzing photo of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan. The shot was taken from the Mussolini Headquarters balcony.

Our past guest Chris Grass captured this sombre moment around the Le Tombeau de Napoleon at l’Hotel des Invalides in Paris.

“One of the twelve Victories surrounding the casket looks on in reverent silence,” he says.

GO DEEP ON PARIS: Paris Explorer

Moments that make you cry (with joy!)

“Sitting and watching a crash of Rhinos. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. I actually cried, it was so magical,” says Ann Griffin who joined us on safari.

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“…the imposing masterpiece citadel, the stupendous Machu Picchu – that left me awestruck and spellbound!” says past guest Mita Dey.

SEE IT FOR YOURSELF: Highlights of Peru

Soaking up sunshine in southern Europe

“We just returned from Greece on a Trafalgar trip! It was such an awesome experience!” says past guest Rosie Palumbo Testa. Who can resist sharing a happy snap, especially when it looks this good!? What a location!

EXPLORE GREECE: Greek Island Hopper

Our past guest Tracy Laubscher took this photo on the stunning Hvar island, which is a short ferry trip from Split in Croatia. “Definitely going back!” she says.

Meeting cats in Turkey

If you’ve been to Turkey, you might have come across the sweet felines who act like they own the place (and maybe they do!). We love this photo our past guest Theresa Fagerstrom Sims captured in Ephesus, Turkey. It’s almost like he sat to have his portrait taken!


Those are the best travel photos taken by you, our past guests! Leave a comment and let us know which one is your favorite…

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