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The lunar eclipse (and more spellbinding events) to spy in November

Recently updated on November 28th, 2022 at 04:30 pm

Special things are happening in the night’s sky this November. From a total lunar eclipse to massive meteor showers and New York’s ‘Manhattanhenge’ phenomenon – here are 5 spellbinding sights to keep your eye out for.

The main event: Total Lunar Eclipse (8 November)

The lunar eclipse

The earth passes directly into the moon’s shadow on 8 November 2022 – giving us a jaw-dropping total lunar eclipse. This has earned the description ‘blood moon’ for the orange-red colour of the moon. And you simply cannot miss this one: as NASA predicts that we will have to wait until March 2025 to see another lunar eclipse.

Eclipse guidelines advise New Yorkers to head outside just before 5.59am to see this lunar eclipse at its maximum brilliance. While​​ other sources report it will be visible in all of North America, plus parts of South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand for 85 minutes.

Wherever you are in the world… it’s essential you make time to view this goosebump-tingling event. While it’s visible to the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope can make it even more special.

Taurid meteor shower (4-5 November)

shooting stars

Less scary than it sounds, the Taurid meteor shower is a spectacular lights show, not an existential threat.

During 4-5 November 2022, gigantic meteors are predicted to hit the earth’s atmosphere at approximately 10 miles per second. This causes shooting stars’ fireballs to streak across the dark night’s sky in bright flashes.

Occurring roughly every 7 years, this jaw-dropping experience is too good to miss. You definitely won’t forget it in a hurry.

Uranus in illumination (9 November)

The planet Uranus glides to its closest possible point to earth on 9 November 2022. As a result, it receives a lovely illumination from the sun (as much as it ever gets). So we suggest finding a cosy spot during the night and keeping your eyes peeled for a small blue-green dot in the night sky that’ll remind you of the wonderous workings of our planet.

Leonid Meteor Shower (17-18 November)

Leonid meteor shower

In 1966, thousands of meteors per minute soared across the night’s sky – causing gasps from around the world. Fast-forward time… and the same type of meteor shower, “Leonid”, is coming to a night’s sky near you.

Our advice? Head outside and look up just before the clock strikes midnight (before the waning crescent moon appears) to enjoy Leonid’s 10 to 15 meteor showers per hour.

Mattenhenge (30 November)


The sun will align perfectly with the street grids in Manhattan (New York) on 30 November 2022  – giving locals a spellbinding sight known as ‘Mattenhenge’. Despite being a fast-moving city, this orange glow glues everyone to their spot – with many tempted to reach out their arms for a touch of the sun.

Which solar event are you most interested in this November? Let us know in the comments below.

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