Africa & The Middle East | People & Stories

‘I had a recurring dream where I was inside a pyramid’ – Cyndee's Egyptian odyssey

Recently updated on May 23rd, 2023 at 02:37 pm

Our Trafalgar Unlocked Awards has now closed, but we’re still enjoying sharing the beautiful stories we received through over 10,000 incredible entries from our guests. 

One of these entries comes from Cyndee, who shared her story about the Wonders of Ancient Egypt trip she took in October 2017:

Egypt had always been number one on my bucket list. We went there to celebrate our 45th anniversary. Our Trafalgar host Mohamed Abd Alla was phenomenal! He was so knowledgeable and answered questions without hesitation. He was very personable and went out of his way to be helpful. I had left my camera on one tour bus, and after hours he went in search of it and found it, and brought it back to me. The excursion sites were well-picked, and reflected what I had wanted to see and Egypt. All of the sites were secure, had I never felt safer anywhere.

We talked to Cyndee to find out more about her incredible Egypt trip, why she loves to travel and the experiences she unlocked.

GET INSPIRED BY: Wonders of Ancient Egypt

Trafalgar guests Cyndee and her husband at the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Why did you choose Egypt as your dream destination? 

I have always felt a strong connection to Egypt and even had dreams and memories of being in Egypt (perhaps in another life?). I had one particular recurring dream where I was inside a pyramid and had a smell occur each time that I could not identify. When we went to Egypt and went to a perfumery, I identified the smell as being Jasmine.

Why was it so special for you to take this trip? 

I wanted to go while my health would allow it because Egypt was number one on my bucket list.

RELATED CONTENT: Egypt is back with a bang: Read why and where to go

Trafalgar guest Cyndee and her husband dressed up on their Egypt trip

What are some of your favorite memories from your Egypt trip? 

I loved seeing all the ancient artifacts at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, including all the sarcophagi, statues, and mummies, and hearing about all the ancient rulers and their histories. I enjoyed all the excursions such as Queen Hatshepsut’s temple, Abu Simbel, the Nile cruise, seeing the Sphinx and Pyramids, a monastery, and more.

GET INSPIRED BY: Best of Egypt

Can you tell us more about your amazing Trafalgar host Mohamed Abd Alla?

I can’t say enough positive about our guide – I can’t imagine there would be one any better. I had left my camera on the bus,  after a late evening return trip on a tour bus. After notifying Mohamed, he was back within the hour, camera in hand. He had once worked at the Cairo museum, and so was full of knowledge with regard to anything Egypt. It was obvious that he loved Egypt and enjoyed his work.

While on the Nile cruise, Mohamed even arranged a celebration for my husband and my 45th anniversary, and also for one of our other cruise members whose birthday happened to fall on the same day. He made us feel very special. Mohamed was more than happy to accommodate some of our requests, for example, asking if the bus driver could pull over so we could take close-up pictures or see something in more detail. He also had an excellent sense of humor. 

RELATED CONTENT: This is the best month to visit Egypt, according to experts

Trafalgar Travel Director Mohamed on an Egypt trip

Why is it important for you to travel and see new places and cultures? 

I find other people, their traditions, cultures and personalities very interesting. In fact, the more different from my own, the more interesting I find them. I always bring back mementoes and souvenirs of things to remind me of my travels.

RELATED CONTENT: Where to go to discover the real history of Egypt

Trafalgar Travel Director Mohamed on an Egypt trip

What is your all-time favorite travel destination or Trafalgar trip? 

It was Australia until I went to Egypt; Egypt is my all-time favorite. 

GET INSPIRED BY: Egyptian Voyager

What is your favorite thing about traveling with Trafalgar? 

I felt very safe in Egypt although at the time there was some civil unrest going on in the country. With our guide being so knowledgeable, he was able to provide extra information that others may not have had. The excursions were well thought out, and we were able to see and do everything that a person could want, and then some. 

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tour group of Trafalgar guests at the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Where else is on your bucket list? 

My husband and I are taking a 50th-anniversary cruise in September to Greece. In May 2024 we are going on a Red Hat cruise to Ireland and Scotland. At some point, I would still like to see Bali or Tahiti.

Thank you to Cyndee for sharing your wonderful story. You can read more stories from our Trafalgar Unlocked Awards entrants on The Real Word blog.

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