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Hola! Salud! The European phrases to learn before your next trip to Europe

Recently updated on September 29th, 2021 at 06:04 pm

Wherever you travel, it’s important to make an effort to learn a few important phrases of the local language. It’s not only polite and respectful, but it’s also sure to enhance your experience as you start immersing yourself in the culture. This is especially true for your trip to Europe, as with 44 countries across the continent, you’re likely to come across several different languages. So what words and phrases should you start learning? We’ve put together the handiest European phrases and expressions to learn across 8 of the most common European languages.


Make a good first impression and learn how to greet people in the local language.

French: Bonjour.

German: Guten tag.

Italian: Buongiorno.

Russian: Здравствуйте (zdra-stvooy-tye).

Turkish: Merhaba.

Polish: Dzień dobry.

Dutch: Hallo (similar to English but pronounced “Hah-low”).

Spanish: Hola (ol-a).

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You can smile and wave… And now you’ll also know how to say goodbye!

French: Au revoir. 

German: Auf wiedersehen.

Italian: Arrivederci.

Russian: До свидания (da-svee-da-nee-ye).

Turkish: Hoşçakal.

Polish: Do widzenia.

Dutch: Tot ziens.

Spanish: Adiós.

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How are you?

Use these phrases to take your polite greeting to the next level.

French: Comment allez-vous?

German: Wie geht es Ihnen? 

Italian: Come sta?

Russian: как дела (kak-dela)?

Turkish: Nasılsınız?

Polish: Jak się masz? 

Dutch: Hoe gaat het?

Spanish: ¿Qué tal? 

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What is your name?

French: Comment vous-appelez-vous?

German: Wie heißen sie?

Italian: Come si chiama? 

Russian: Как вас зовут (kak vas za-voot)?

Turkish: Adınız ne?

Polish: Jak masz na imię?

Dutch: Hoe heet je?

Spanish: ¿Cómo te llamas?

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My name is…

French: Je m’appelle…

German: Ich heiße… 

Italian: Mi chiamo… 

Russian: Меня зовут (men-ya za-voot)… 

Turkish: Benim adım… 

Polish: Mam na imię… 

Dutch: Ik heet… 

Spanish: Me llamo… 

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women of Dermicidere in Turkey


Learning your pleases and thank you’s is essential for any trip, plus they’re quick and easy European phrases to know.

French: S’il te plaît.

German: Bitte.

Italian: Per favore.

Russian: Пожалуйста (pa-zhal-sta).

Turkish: Lütfen.

Polish: Proszę.

Dutch: Alstublieft.

Spanish: Por favor.

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Thank you

French: Merci.

German: Danke.

Italian: Grazie.

Russian: Спасибо (spa-see-ba).

Turkish: Teşekkürler.

Polish: Dziękuję.

Dutch: Dankjewel.

Spanish: Gracias.

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woman smiling at a horse in a flower field Spain Trafalgar trips

Excuse me

Whether you’re trying to get someone’s attention or you want to be polite when moving through a crowd, learning how to say ‘excuse me’ is essential.

French: Pardon / Excusez-moi.

German: Entschuldigung.

Italian: Mi scusi.

Russian: Извините (izvinite).

Turkish: Affedersiniz.

Polish: Przepraszam.

Dutch: Pardon. 

Spanish: Disculpe / Perdón

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I’m sorry

They say sorry is always the hardest word to say – but not anymore! Learn it in the local language and use it in situations like bumping into someone on the street or showing up late to an appointment.

French: Je suis desolee.

German: Es tut mir leid.

Italian: Mi dispiace.

Russian: Простите (prostite).

Turkish: Özür dilerim.

Polish: Przepraszam.

Dutch: Het spijt me (Tip: “Sorry” is also a Dutch word and you can also say “sorry” in casual situations like bumping into someone).

Spanish: Lo siento.

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Trafalgar Travel Director with guests at a market in Europe

I would like…

Instead of pointing at what you want to order or buy, try adding these European phrases to your repertoire. 

French: Je voudrais…

German: Ich hätte gern… 

Italian: Vorrei…

Russian: Будьте добры (Bud’te dobry)

Turkish: …istiyorum. (In Turkish, you say the object first).

Polish: Przepraszam (psh-she-pra-sham)

Dutch: Ik wil….

Spanish: Me gustaría…

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How much does this cost?

If you’re planning on doing some shopping on your trip to Europe, this phrase will definitely come in handy, especially in places where bargaining is custom.

French: Combien ça coûte?

German: Wie viel kostet das? 

Italian: Quanto costa?

Russian: Сколько это стоит (skol’ko eto stoyit)?

Turkish: Bu ne kadar?

Polish: Ile to kosztuje?

Dutch: Hoeveel kost dit?

Spanish: ¿Cuánto cuesta?

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Where is the bathroom?

You can be sure you’ll need to find a bathroom at some point on your trip to Europe, making this one of the most essential European phrases to learn. 

French: Où sont les toilettes?

German: Wo ist die Toilette?

Italian: Dov’è il bagno?

Russian: Где туалет (Gde tualet)?

Turkish: Tuvalet nerede?

Polish: Gdzie jest toaleta?

Dutch: Waar is het toilet?

Spanish: ¿Dónde está el baño?

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I don’t understand

If you’re new to speaking the language, there will be many times where you don’t understand what the other person is saying. Rather than pretending or struggling along, tell them you don’t understand and they’ll likely repeat or slow down their words, or find another way to communicate. Luckily, these are some easy European phrases to know and memorise.

French: Je ne comprends pas.

German: Ich verstehe sie nicht.

Italian: Non capisco.

Russian: Я не понимаю (ya ne ponimayu).

Turkish: Anlamıyorum.

Polish: Nie rozumiem.

Dutch: Ik snapt niet.

Spanish: No entiendo.

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I need help / Help!

Everyone needs help sometimes and this is one of the handiest European phrases to learn.

French: J’ai besoin d’aide. / À l’aide!

German: Ich brauche Hilfe. / Hilfe!

Italian: Mi serve aiuto. / Aiuto!

Russian: Мне нужна́ по́мощь. – I need help (mnye nuzh-ná pó-masch) / Помогите (pa-ma-gée-tee)!

Turkish: Yardıma ihtiyacım var. / İmdat!

Polish: Potrzebuję twojej pomocy. / Pomocy!

Dutch: Ik heb hulp nodig / Helpen!

Spanish: Necesito ayuda. / ¡Ayuda!

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Trafalgar guests clinking glasses


Get into the spirit the local way on your trip to Europe.

French: Santé!

German: Prost! 

Italian: Cin cin!

Turkish: Şerefe!

Polish: Na zdrowie! 

Dutch: Proost!

Spanish: ¡Salud!

Russian: Many people think ‘на здоровье’ (na zdorovie) is the way to toast in Russia, however this is actually the Polish way. In Russia, there is no word for ‘cheers’ and toasts are tailored for every occasion. If you do want to make a toast, start by saying ‘за’ (za), then say what you’re toasting to like love, family, or the birthday boy or girl. 

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I only speak a little (local language)

If a native speaker thinks you understand more than you do, you can use this handy phrase to let them know you’re new to the language.

French: Je parle seulement un peu le Français.

German: Ich spreche nur wenig Deutsch.

Italian: Parlo solo un po’ di Italiano.

Russian: Я ещё плохо говорю по-русски (Ya yeshchyo plokho govoryu po-russki).

Turkish: Sadece biraz Türkçe konuşabiliyorum.

Polish: Mówię tylko trochę po polsku.

Dutch: Ik spreek maar een beetje Nederlands

Spanish: Solo hablo un poco de español.

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Can you speak any European languages? What are your favourite European phrases and expressions to learn? Let us know in the comments below… 

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