
11 things we'll appreciate more on our future travels

Recently updated on August 14th, 2023 at 11:09 am

Never again will we take a holiday, vacation or trip for granted. After everything we’ve been through, we will treat all of our travels as “once-in-a-lifetime”. From longer lasting friendships to a new love of nature, we” be appreciating these 11 ways a whole lot more on our post coronavirus travels.

3 tropical drinks

1. Drinks will taste even sweeter

When we travel after Coronavirus, we’ll be so grateful for a delicious drink with a view that we’ll savour every sip and taste every drop. Can you imagine what that first holiday drink will taste like? No doubt, the Lemon Granita (lemonade) on Capri Island will taste even sweeter.

2. We’ll appreciate that feeling of sand between our toes

We’ve become so accustomed to walking on the same old carpet, floorboards and tiles, that when we travel post Coronavirus, we’ll think we’re five years old again and run barefoot across beaches without a care in the world.

3. We’ll have a new fascination for history

After Coronavirus, we’ll be desperate to learn more about the world and its rich history. Like what’s actually inside the Tower of London? Is the Walt Disney castle real? And who was Mary, Queen of Scots? What we learnt on a zoom quiz is even more fascinating in real life.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

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4. Friendships will last longer

We won’t take connecting with others from around the world for granted. We’ll be more open with others, friendlier and kinder. Conversations will be richer, hugs will be tighter and friendships will last longer.

drinks with friends after Coronavirus

5. Pasta will never taste so good

Finding pasta in the supermarket is like finding gold dust. We all have a new found love for this simple carbohydrate. Now imagine what it tastes like, eaten fresh on a sunny afternoon in Florence with a glass of Chianti (not on the couch in front of the TV)? It tastes a lot better, trust us.

6. We’ll laugh with locals like we’ve known them for years

We’ll want to give back to local communities and businesses that have suffered because of Coronavirus. The connections we form with our Be My Guest hosts and Local Specialists will be more meaningful. We’ll listen to them, learn from them and laugh with them.

7. We’ll travel with a purpose

When we travel post Coronavirus, we’ll travel with a purpose. Having had the luxury taken away from us, we will no longer take it for granted. We’ll spend more time planning, researching, ensuring our visit is going to have a positive, healing impact. We’ll want to support initiatives like the TreadRight Foundation and their 50+ projects, including the Wildlife Conservation Society’s ‘Big Cat Conservation’ project.

A lion walking

8. We’ll have a new found love for nature

After being cooped up for so long, we’ll want to get out into the fresh air and explore wild open spaces. As we’ve all learnt, spending time in nature is so important for our mental well being. With different national parks on all of our doorsteps, we’ll explore the great outdoors with a lot more appreciation and enthusiasm.

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9. We’ll travel with our mental well being in mind

Now more than ever we’ve realised the importance of our mental well being. When we travel next, we will disconnect properly. We’ll put down our phone, immerse ourselves in our surroundings, do some yoga, even learn how to meditate. Looking after our mental health while we’re away will become our top priority.

10. We’ll make our travel memories last longer

We won’t take the travel memories we’ve made for granted. Rather than leaving thousands of photos on our camera roll, we’ll print them out, frame them, even make a book. We’ll treasure them with joy and give them the love they deserve.

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travel photos in frame

11. We’ll have a new found appreciation for our home

We’ll arrive back from our travels with a new fondness for our home. We’ll no longer compare it to our favourite hotel. Because our home has kept us safe and comfortable for so many months, it’s been our shield from Coronavirus and we’ll never forget that.

After everything that we’ve been through, there is no doubt that our first travel experience after Coronavirus will be the best yet. Where are you most looking forward to visiting? Let us know in the comments below.

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